[MANIFESTI] [doc] Meta-manifesto -ver0.14 - 5 dicembre

Mamo® manifesti@lists.bofh.it
Mon, 09 Dec 2002 18:57:09 +0100

At 18.13 09/12/2002 +0100, you wrote:
 >> E' elencato in qualche RFC?
 >Sì ma non ricordo quale.
in realtà è la son-of-RFC1036...

Early difficulties in inferring return addresses from article headers led 
to "signatures": short closing texts, automatically added to the end of 
articles by posting agents, identifying the poster and giving his network 
addresses etc. If a poster or posting agent does append a signature to an 
article, the signature SHOULD be preceded with a delimiter line containing 
(only) two hyphens (ASCII 45) followed by one blank (ASCII 32). Posting 
agents SHOULD limit the length of signatures, since verbose excess 
bordering on abuse is common if no restraint is imposed; 4 lines is a 
common limit.

 >Moltissimi non sanno cosa siano le RFC, ci sarebbe solo confusione.